Wednesday, March 21, 2012

TCC Student Nursing Association Meeting Minutes

Welcome/Introductions presented by President Shannon Howell. Approx. 10 students were present along with Faculty consisting of Dean Hall, Mrs. Kajfasz, Mrs. Penhos, and Mrs. Fergusen. Faculty introductions and no questions/concerns were addressed to faculty.

Bake sale/fundraising- Treasurer was unavailable. Shannon gave information about last fundraiser and how money is broken down, percentage donated to charity and the remaining contributed to the students who participated in the bake sale. Due to the low participation of students, there was a limited amt of baked goods resulting in low funds. Participation is encouraged to each students as the funds will be available after graduation for boards/fingerprinting/background check/etc. If anyone has suggestions for fundraising opportunities or questions regarding monies, feel free to contact Joe Higgins. Fundraising is done as a whole group (TCC SNA), not individual classes/students.

Blog- Vice President Nicole Sutherland- TCC SNA blog has valuable information for students. It is highly recommended for Nursing students to check the blog often or daily.

Volunteer opportunity- presented by shannon. On April 28th at 10 am at conner park, NAMI will be having a walk. A vote at the meeting approved to give a monetary donation (taken out of general fund) to NAMI for refreshments/hot dogs/buns/plates/cups/etc.
Dr. Anita Sewell is going to have a womens health fair and students can volunteer to go help with screenings (BP, P, R, T). If interested, It will be in mid April, it will be on blog.
Shannon has inquired about the trash pick up on napoleon st. FSI will give us a Saturday date in the morning to pick up trash. They supply gloves, bags, vests. Our SNA has received great feedback from the community. It will be a positive to put on resume for students volunteer opportunities.
Next meeting is April 3rd. Mary Ann Schleming from Chamberlain College for transfer opportunities for BSN. Email shannon and let hger know if you will be attending so she can notify chamberlain since they will be providing lunch.
May 1st is last meting.
Shannon will be going to Med surg 2 class to get nominations for next semester officer positions. Email nominations to shannon at:

Graduation applications- Presented by Secretary Iris Gutierrez- Med Surg 2 students need to apply for graduation before approx April 16. You can pick up an application at the Records office, fill out the form and return to Cashiers office (in building A, second floor) with payment (either cash, check or credit card). Or you may get form off "printable forms" online, fill it out and return or mail to Terra with payment. The fee for Degree application is $35. If you have multiple degrees, an additional $25 per degree is needed. Purpose of applying for degree is to intitiate audit of course requirements and prepare diploma and graduation requirements. Fee pays for personnel cost of degree audit, diploma and covedr, mailing expenses and commencement expenses.

Meeting ended with student concerns addressed to Shannon.

1 comment:

shannonh said...

Chamberlin College will not be able to make the April 3rd meeting. We will discuss the opportunity to reschedule.